Bailey Ranatunga

Where were you that day that the fire broke out and what was your immediate reaction?

I can’t remember the exact day that it broke out but I do remember we were at school in Belgrave and a fire came over from Ferntree Gully and the school went into lock-down and all the roads to get to our school was blocked off so mum and dad couldn’t get to me. I remember looking out the window and seeing the flames over the trees and absolutely freaking out.

How were you/your family/communities affected by these fires?

My communities were effected very bad because I lived in Avonsleigh and there were fires in every direction so we couldnt get out. Ever since then I have always had a massive fear of bush fires and once they were over I remember every where I went all I could see was black.

Do you think the government response was adequate and/or effective?

I think it was the appropriate thing to do at the time and ever since then they have made many new safety procedures.

Is there anything that more that you could have done?

Not really as I was nine years old at the time.

Do you personally believe that climate change has something to do with the eruption of bush fires, rising heat waves and rising sea levels?


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